Minutes for March 2024 Board of Trustee Meeting
Call to order: Candy Hensley, Susi Pipkin, Sydney Ernat, Sarah Connelly, Sonja Farnsworth
- Business:
- Sydney moved to approve minutes from February Meeting: Susi Seconded
- Minutes approved
- No public participation
- Directors Report
- House Bill 2648- Robin, Westfall, the State Librarian, brought this to our attention. It is another bill wanting Public Library Boards to be elected- this bill is still in committee
- House Bill 2498- is on the House floor with one change, Library districts will not have to pay for the election (this goes against other tax levy organizations such as fire department, school board, ect.)- Not moving from the house to the senate, yet. * As of 3/5/2024 there are no bills that have passed the senate and the house and if front of Governor Parsons
- Story Walk is still on target to go up by the 20th of March
- In February we had the computer by the window go out. New computer was ordered off amazon for $499.99
- Letters were sent to local businesses last week asking for donations for hte Summer Reading Program
- ReadSquared is ready to go for Summer Reading Program
- Staff evaluations have been done, raises will show on the March 15th paycheck
- We are not getting anyone in to our tech help times. There are a variety of possible factors: low interest, inconvenient times, fear of technology, etc. We have 7 more opportunities before the end of the grant.
- Sydney moved to adjourn at 6:41 pm- Susi seconded.
- Meeting adjourned