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June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Hamilton Public Library

Board of Trustee Meeting

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Call to order 6pm- Attendees: Susi Pipkin, Sonja Farnsworth, Sydney Ernat, Liz Gubernatis, Sarah Connelly, Sarah Crawford

Director's Report

  • 2024 Summer Reading Program
    • starting off well
    • Events
      • Jedi Adventure Begins - 30 kids in attendance- great performance- will probably have him back again next year
      • Scavenger Hunt in the Library- June 3- 7 sign up spots, 7 participants. June 17- 7 sign up spots- so far 4 signed up
      • Puppet Shows- June 6, July 11, August 1 - Cole Crawford is the puppeteer
      • Library Swim Party- August 3
      • Final report is due to State September 6
    • 2024 Swim Pass- Lion's Club paid for the pass- library taking applications
    • Switched to QB Online
    • MO Public Library Directors meeting is June 6-7 in Jefferson City
    • Budget needs approval
      • Sarah C. made motion and liz G. Seconded to approve budget
      • Budget approved with board vote

Strategic Planning

  • Motion made by Sarah C and seconded by Sydney E to approve the 3 Goals
    • Goal 1: Create and enact a sustainable communications plan that  updates and uses a variety of tools to inform 1000-1500 members of the community online and in town about events, information, materials and services at the Hamilton Library, increasing patronage, attendance, and participation over the next 5-10 years.
    • Goal 2: Provide safe space for Teens and Children , enroll approximately one half or more of the child/teen population of Hamilton various Library programs over the next 10 years, making the library an attractive, welcoming place to spend time for students outside of school based activities with compassionate and caring staff ready to help them explore the materials and services the library offers.
    • Goal 3: Provide space for adults to read and relax, create a physical space that encourages adults to sit and read in the library for pleasure and relaxation, including comfortable seating and options for food and drink at events and in regular library hours, alike, serving at least 10% of the Hamilton population over the next 3-5 years.
  • next meeting bring ideas for specific tactics to work toward these goals.

Motion to close, seconded, all in favor