November 2, 2022
A public meeting of the Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Trustee Montero on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 6:04 p.m. Those present included: Nicol Montero, Susi Pipkin, Misty Doan, Liz Little, Sarah Connelly, Sydney Ernat, Candy Hensley and Renee Anderson. Absent: Julie Dawson.
The minutes of the October 5, 2022, meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Trustee Doan to approve the minutes with amendments to spelling of names with a second by Trustee Hensley. A unanimous vote followed.
Director Farnsworth provided a report to the Board. Items discussed included: Financial Report
Secretary of State Proposed Rule including the official wording of the rule, a media release from the Secretary of State's Office, information about administrative rules, and an example of a press release from the Kansas City Public Library.
State Public Library Survey has been completed and submitted.
Ghouls on Parade was a success. Approximately 50+ children attended. STEM project kits have been ordered from the State Library. Projects will run from December 9 - May 15. Goal is to add STEM projects to the library collection through grants.
Seeking games to add to the library collection to encourage a safe place for children of all ages to hang out.
Story Walk has been tabled until Spring. Will need community sponsors.
A committee comprised of Susi Pipkin, Liz Little, and Misty Doan will draft an article regarding the Secretary of State proposed ruling to publish in the newspaper and place on Facebook. The Library does have a Collection Policy currently in place that addresses the proposed ruling.
Board training will be provided each month primarily from the trustee manual.
A motion was made by Trustee Anderson to approve Director Farnsworth attending the Winter Library Conference with a second by Trustee Doan. A unanimous vote followed.
Bob Hughes gave an update on the review he performed for the Library and recommendations. He stated that we were in compliance with most of the State standards and just needed to do some minor tweaking on others.
A discussion regarding the personal and sick day section of the employee nnanual was held. A motion was made by Trustee Pipkin to update the policy with a second by Trustee Connelly.
Due to the health of one trustee a reshuffling of Board positions is necessary. A motion was made by Trustee Doan to nominate Renee Anderson to serve as
Treasurer and Sarah Connelly to serve as Secretary with a second by Trustee Pipkin.